Introduction & Background
Founded in 2015, Peterborough Plus VCSE Consortium has grown to a membership of 60 organisations, with many of those organisations and their projects working across the East of England, prompting the working name change to ‘Communities East’ in 2019.
The breadth and strength of the membership, enable us to understand the challenges & opportunities and deliver across a wide range of areas from poverty to arts and heritage, environment, children and young people, adult social care, community safety… and much more.
The goal of the consortium is to safeguard and grow high-quality VCSE service provision across the East of England, working with the communities to identify needs and opportunities and in turn, unlocking funding for organisations of all sizes.
Working with funders & commissioners to co-design services, creating a single point of contracting and tendering competitively for public service contracts via a range of channels.
Over the past 5 years, we have secured £2.9m of funding, with two major projects in action...
Brief Overview of the Operating Environment
Consortium Vision and Mission
The collaborators have developed a clear vision for the consortium, which is to:
To improve the quality of life for the people across the East by bringing together the wide diversity and expertise of the voluntary, community, and social enterprise sector.
The mission of the consortium is to:
"Enable local organisations to secure significant funding to deliver excellent services to the local community.”