Health Xchange is a three-year lottery-funded programme and is delivered by PCVS on behalf of Peterborough Plus. The project will empower small community groups to deliver health and wellbeing activities in their locality. 

There will be an opportunity for community members to participate in health training to become Community Wellbeing Champions who will help their communities to improve health and wellbeing. Additionally, there will be a level 2 qualification in Health Improvement for those who are interested. The project will be overseen by a Steering Group of health professionals, community members, and those benefitting from the activities. We already have groups enrolled for the first year of the project but there may be opportunities for other organisations to bid for funding of between £1-4k later in the year. 

To apply your group needs to have an income of under £30k, be a community of interest e.g. representing a particular community, group of people, or a geographical area. Membership of Peterborough Plus is also required so your group would need to fulfil some requirements for this e.g. up to date finances, policies, procedures. 

If you would like to go onto the waiting list for Health XChange, please email Christina Alexander, with the title: Health Xchange Waiting List. 

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