What We Do
What We Do
Communities East has been working with Commissioners, local and national funders, National Council for Voluntary Organisations, and the UK voluntary sector lead for Local Enterprise European Funding, to ensure that our consortium can supply high-quality services through large scale contracts.
We aim to deliver across a wide range of areas from poverty to arts and heritage, environment, children and young people, adult social care, community safety... and much more.

Current Consortium Members
- Age UK
- Allia
- Arts and Minds
- Axiom Housing Association
- Beat This
- Bharat Hindu Samay
- Black History Month Peterborough
- Buglife
- Business in the Community (BITC)
- Cambridgeshire Counselling Consultancy
- Care Network
- Carers Trust Peterborough
- Circles Network
- City College Peterborough
- Community Action Suffolk
- CP Learning Trust
- Craft4Smiles C.I.C
- Crescente
- Disability Peterborough (DIAL)
- East
- East Timorese Association of Peterborough
- Extended Hands
- Families First
- Family Action
- Ferry Project
- Froglife
- GladCA
- Headway
- Hunts Volunteer Centre
- Jumped Up Theatre
- Kenyan Community Association of Peterborough
- Nene Park Trust
- Ness M Foundation
- Open Door Trust
- Peterborough & District Football League
- Peterborough Bangladesh Welfare Association
- Peterborough Latvians Community
- Peterborough Regional College
- Peterborough Relationship Support
- Ramsey Neighbourhood Trust
- RNWP Good Neighbours
- Russian Community Peterborough
- Sustrans
- The Hackspace
- The Olive Branch
- The Posh Foundation
- The Princes Trust
- Top Yard School of Boxing
- Up The Garden Bath
- Volunteering Matters
- West Norfolk Carers
- YMCA Trinity Group